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Monday 29 September 2014

A Hard Days Work At The Office!

A Hard Days Work At The Office

I have just begun my first day as a working lady in at Milk Cafe in Clane. I can honestly say it was one hard day!
I was welcomed by the owners of the cafe and presented with my uniform consisting of a blue t-shirt and a grey apron. With my uniform on I felt as though I was ready for work!
I was shown around the cafe and then began my working day as it was all go! I presented people with their menus, served people their food and made tea for those who needed a time of relaxation.
I was then shown how to fold cutlery properly and by the end I was a pro! I cleared the tables and made them so clean you could see your face in them!
Lunch time finally came and by that time I was starving. I was kindly offered to choose anything I wanted from the menu which was an offer I just couldn't resist. I was given the wi-fi password and was told to "make myself at home."
It was a very busy day and you were on your feet from the word GO! I can tell you one thing that I slept well that night!

Monday 22 September 2014

The Power Of The Internet!

The Power Of The Internet 

I have just finished watching the video of "Digital Dossier". I was shocked at the huge amount of information we have online without any realisation.I have now begun thinking of all the information strangers around the world could know about me.
 I am currently on Facebook. Snapchat and Instagram. Each day I view these Apps as a form of keeping in contacts with friends, hearing about the latest gossip and seeing how Starbrucks have spelt someones name wrong...again!
 I was unaware of all the information about me online e.g My hospital records. It never crossed my mind that this information was out there in the world of technology. Technology has taken over the world and so it got me thinking "How did people live without the Internet before?".
 The Internet is more powerful than we will ever be. It provides us with a huge amount of  anything we need to know. It's a great source of entertainment but you just have to remember never put something online that you wouldn't want your granny to see!

Wednesday 17 September 2014

There Ain't No Party Without T.Y!

"There ain't no party without T.Y"

  An early start was had on Monday morning as it was a 7am meeting time. Suitcases were packed with clothing and food...lots and lots of food! It was a two hour bus journey but I can honestly say it was totally worth it.
 It began by us all getting into our wetsuits and heading out into our canoes. We played games with the instructors and yes, Gerry our instructor was very pleasing to the eye.
 We then got into our 'camonsie' (which is a camouflage onesie) and headed up a mountain which seemed like an eternity. Laser tag really showed the competitive side of our class. That night we had a blind folded walk which was honestly my favourite activity of the trip. Night+blindfolds+forest+friends=Funniest experience of my life. This late night adventure was ended by a disco. Moves were busted and I think Mrs Leonard was highly impressed with our dancing.
 An early start begun with alarm bells. To ease the pain of grumpy, sleepless girls, they tried to play catchy music to entertain us-but we were having none of it. Again we all hoped into our wetsuits and hit the ocean with a bang. I have never been so cold in my life and did think I was going to die from hypothermia! 
 The last activity of Carlingford was a trip up the mountain for a bunch of mini games. I can honestly say that Carlingford has been one of the best experiences of my life. I have made new friends which I hope to have for life. It was an adventure that I would recommend to all ages.